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Building knowledge and capability across the UK Civil Service

We are 10,000 civil servants and public servants, working together to tackle the biggest climate and environment questions within and beyond government.


Our network is open to all UK civil and public servants, and since being founded in 2019, our mission is to grow climate and environment policy capability across the whole UK Civil Service. 

We do this though monthly events, podcasts, YouTube videos, blog content, and recently we hosted the first ever Civil Service Climate + Environment Conference.

We also work to affect positive change within the Civil Service, and are currently developing a climate and environment specialism to be embedded in the Policy Profession standards, as set out in the March 2023 Net Zero Growth Plan. 

Our senior sponsors are Lee McDonough, Director General for International Net Zero and Nuclear at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, and Sally Randall, Director General for Environment at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Civil Service Climate + Environment Conference, February 2023: Minister Jesse Norman (DfT), Minister Trudy Harrison (Defra), Minister Stuart (DESNZ), and Tamara Finkelstein, Defra Permanent Secretary.

Civil Service Climate + Environment Conference, February 2023: Minister Jesse Norman (DfT), Minister Trudy Harrison (Defra), Minister Stuart (DESNZ), and Tamara Finkelstein, Defra Permanent Secretary. Photos owned by CSCEN.

Audience at Civil Service Climate + Environment Conference 2023

Audience at the Civil Service Climate + Environment Conference 2023. Photos owned by CSCEN.

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